Mar 19, 2010

Focus Group for Gardeners! More about Chrome.. Diamond Nexus now with more links!!

If anyone is interested I received this in my email box the other day. If I was a gardener that grew from seeds I would be all over it, however I am pretty sure they aren't interested in someone with a black thumb!

Dynamic Research is currently seeking participants for the following study.
1. Individuals 25 to 59 years of age who planted a vegetable or flower garden in 2009 via seed and will be planting a vegetable or flower garden in 2010 via seed. The study will take place the week of April 12, 2010 and last approximately 3 hours. You will be paid a $250.00 honorarium for your time.
If you or someone you know is interested in participating in any of these studies contact Dynamic Research at:

And now on to my further adventures with Google Chrome!
It is rendering some of the things I do (mostly Kindom Of Loathing) in blotchy segments. I don't know how else to explain it! However, I am seeing this mostly on sites that use tables. And scrolling in these tables is very entertaining. It brings up the left side slower than the right side (if you were to divide the table in half when it really isn't you understand) so that sometimes the words that end up lining up for a half a second are entirely LOL worthy!!
I did find a nice little extension for twitter, Chromed Bird for anyone interested. It is nice and organized and I actually like it much better than the Echofon I was using with Firefox.

I did want to also point out that Diamond Nexus Labs also have Facebook, Twitter and a blog! I have been having a great time reading their wall over at Facebook! Lots of fun information as well as fan photo's of some really cute rings!!
My daughter has fallen in "Love Love Loooove" with their Princess Cut Stud Earrings with Glacial Ice guess I should start saving up for someone's 15th birthday huh!?

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