Jul 23, 2009

OMFG! I just realised I have not updated this since you last visited... You would not believe the amount of people that are totally stalking me. Please don't abandon me!.

I am tied up with my obsession of saving money, being distracted by the shiny, just generally being a biatch to anyone unfortunate to cross my path, my day is full to overflowing from crawling out of bed at 6.30 to sun down and beyond. I am not complaining though. but who cares.

I swear I will make more of an effort to blog more often. I promise! I really, truly promise!.

(this post brought to you buy the dang hilarious Lazy Bloggers Post Generator!)

Jul 14, 2009

I received a prompt reply!

"Good Morning (name edited to protect myself!),
Thank you for your email. I am answering on behalf of the entire City Council in my role as Ombudsman for the month of July. I am forwarding this response to our Parks Director for his review. Regardless of who created the mess, as a city leased property, the cleanliness is a matter for our action.
Best wishes-
Hank Myers"

to which I followed up with

"Mr Meyers,
Thank you for the prompt reply.
I do realize that the City Parks will clean it, as they do every year.
What I was really hoping was that perhaps the City would discuss these things with the Funtastic group and their employees.
The City has always been great with keeping Redmond looking very nice - this I know as I have lived here most of my entire life!
I just feel that it is unfair that Parks have to deal with the trash this company leaves behind and feels they do not need to pick up.
I personally watched them pick up the wash station yesterday morning and saw the man leave behind the green astro turf and boards used to level the wash station. There was no reason he could not have easily picked those up and added them to the truck as well.
Please also let Parks know that I think they are doing a wonderful job and this letter was in no way inteded to suggest otherwise!
Thank you again, "


"Hi (I have edited out my name again :p),
The Parks Department not only keeps our parks clean, they plan and operate Derby Days, including the contract with the carnival operator. I will be seeing the Director this afternoon and will discuss your comments with him.
Thanks again for your comments
Hank Myers"

The Flipside of Fun At Redmond's Derby Days

Every July I dread the sounds of the trucks rolling into Redmond Elementary to set up for the yearly Derby Days Carnival.
Now the dred has nothing to do with the sounds of the carnival itself, nor the noises of everyone enjoying the fun rides and games.
The dred actually comes from knowing Monday morning following the fun, after the last truck rolls out, that the field at Redmond Elementary once again will be full of garbage and damage.
Now some of the garbage is from patrons of the carnival itself, however what bothers me more than anything is the trash and damage done by the carnival and it's employees.
Last year it was the horrible soggy stenchy ground from their "laundry room" as well as the tipped over porta potty that was there along with a portable sink for many, many weeks following. Then there is always the piles and piles of cigarette butts scattered throughout where they park their bunkhouses.
This year, they may have not drained as much from the laundry, or left a porta potty or skin, however the trash is there - again, along with damage to the field itself.
I am not sure why exactly they needed to make trenches in the grass or leave large pieces of concrete, boards, zipties and holes everywhere but the fact remains that it is something that their company SHOULD have delt with in the cleanup process before leaving.
Yes, during the summer there seems to be more trash at the school than during the school year, however, the amount that is left there by the Funtastic Traveling Show in just a few days is pretty equal to what is there ALL summer long.